Race For DFL
This is a "last runner standing"-style race. Where last is first, and first is last! Get it? Good! Now let's have some fun!
*Note - we are once again hosting this 'backyard ultra' style event in someone's backyard! Hope you will join us in Winchendon MA! This is a BRONZE Ticket Backyard Ultra - which means that the winner qualifies for a Silver Ticket Backyard Ultra (and the winner of that goes on to the Big’s World Championship)!
2024 Race Date: November 9th, 2024 (until someone wins...stoked that I have a holiday at work on Monday!!!)
Registration: Register here
Location: Kenty’s Farm at 554 Joslin Road, Winchendon MA. (*Approach Joslin Road from the Mill Glen Road side. Joslin Road is a dirt road, and the middle isn’t drivable…but GPSs will still try to send you down it!)
*Pompom hats to the first 100 who decide to join us!
How the ultra works:
- the course is 4.1666 miles long
- every hour (on the hour), competitors line up to start a lap. First lap starts at 8:00am.
- in order to continue in the race, you must complete the lap each hour and line up to start the next hour's lap.
- this race will continue until there is only one runner left...who is the DFL runner!
Sound easy? Give it a go for a few hours...and let us know!
**We do allow folks who aren't going for the overall victory but wish to participate in the ultra (and are planning on less than 12 laps) to start anytime between 8am and noon.
How the 12 hour race works:
- the course is the same as the Backyard Ultra, this option just allows you to get in your 12 laps (for 50 miles) or up to 12 hours’ worth of laps.
- as with the Backyard Ultra, you are welcome to start at any hour between 8am and noon.
How the 4.16666 mile race works:
- folks are welcome to join in for any lap of the day on Saturday (i.e. YOU chose your starting time, any hour on the hour, between 8am and 11pm)
- we will time you for any lap, and compile the results based on everyone's best lap time throughout the day from the 1-lap race.
- run a lap and think you can go faster? That's great - give it another go at any hour! You've got until midnight and can give it as many tries as you want.
- We are hosting some THEMED laps, in hopes that we get more like-minded folks to these hours. You’re welcome to run a lap during any hour, but hope you consider joining for one of the themed hours if they speak to you and make you feel more welcomed!
- 9:00am - FEMALE HOUR! You don’t need to identify as female to run this lap, but we’d love to specifically invite female-identifying runners to join!
- Noon - PRIDE HOUR! Again, you don’t need to identify as LGBTQ+ to run this lap, but we’d love you to show your pride and celebrate all!
- 3:00pm - Costume Hour! We’ll be sure to honor the best costume that participates in this hour!
- 6:00pm - Glow in the Dark Hour - it’ll be getting dark, so how can you best decorate yourself for night-time running? Again, maybe prizes?!?
More random details:
- true to Last Runner Standing tradition, this will be held in someone's back yard.
- you are encouraged to set up a pop tent or otherwise define your self-crew area in the start/finish area.
- aid station supplies will be whatever is left over from other races that I direct throughout the year (i.e. this will get rid of food before it goes bad over the winter). That means a random assortment of ultra food. We'll likely also order pizza at some point. If you need something specific, best to bring it for yourself.
- we encourage the community feel of folks bringing something to share for the aid station table. So, please consider bringing your favorite ultra food, post-run food, or beer to share with the group.
- this is a completely laid back, fun event. Don't take it too seriously, but come enjoy some miles and some fun!
- entry fees basically cover the cost of the permitting and portapotties. That's all folks!
- come for one lap, come for 12 laps (to get a VT100 qualifier), or see if you can outlast the rest. Whatever you do - enjoy a weekend of running in western MA!
The course:
- The course is a mix of terrain - starting and ending on a grassy field, the course covers about 0.3 mile of field, 1.2 miles of trail, 2.3 miles of crushed gravel bike path (pancake flat, but out-and-back), and 0.4 mile of dirt/gravel road.
- The course is relatively flat, with approximately 150 feet of climbing per lap.
- We will share a .gpx file when the route is finalized, however it will be similar to the 2022 event.
Got questions on the specifics? Let us know!