All of the Above Trail Fest
The theme? To welcome EVERYONE. Specifically, we’re calling for queer and transgender runners, and their allies, to come play on the trails with us - regardless of competition or athletic level. No matter who you are, or what ‘box’ you might check, you are encouraged to participate - we’re celebrating the person, not the body, at this fest.
In the spirit of how things work at Beast Coast Trail Running, the AotA Trail Fest will offer a longer (20-25k) “competitive” prediction run event, a shorter (5k) untimed Fun Run/Hike, and a Kid’s Run for the little (but mighty) ones. Prizes will be awarded NOT based on gendered placing (heck, we aren’t even collecting gender data when you register), but based on who predicts their finish time the closest, as well as other equally important criteria such as ‘who has the most fun out here’. At the 5k, we aren’t timing the event and there won’t be ranked results - this is a place to find your joy, push yourself (if you want!), and experience the trail with no judgment.
Date: (tentative) September 21, 2025
Time: TBD
Check in: 1 hour before your race starts
Location: TBD
Cost: TBD
** Funds are available, upon request, to any runner who needs support to participate. No questions will be asked, no justification needed, if funds are available then partial or full entry fee support will be given.
Sound like fun? Sign up here (link will be added when details are finalized)
There will be day-of registration available, however prices will jump so pre-reg preferred.
Info below is based on the 2022 and 2023 event and may not reflect the 2025 event. So, take it with a grain of salt and understand that things may change for this year. We’re still working the details out, and will post info when it’s finalized. This can give you a taste!!!
A bit of the details on this race are below:
1) Elevation Gain/Loss: The course is hilly - it's at Berkshire East after all! The 25k event has approx. 2100 feet of climbing, and the 5k has approx. 600 feet of climbing.
2) The Course: The 25k course is roughly 65% single track 25% snowmobile trail 10% dirt road. A map of the course with elevation profile is found here, and the .gpx file can be downloaded here. The 5k course is roughly 90% single track & 10% dirt road. A map of the course with elevation profile is found here, and the .gpx file can be downloaded here.
3) Aid Stations: There will be plenty of aid along the way, 25k runners will have support every 3-5 miles.
4) Cutoff Times: The course will be open for 5 hours, so all runners must be done by 3:00pm. If you are anxious about the cut-off times, an early start is available upon request.
5) Prizes: for this event, prizes won’t be awarded based on finishing time or placing. Prizes will be given out for important things such as predicting your finish time closest, best blood, most Pride spirit, etc.
6) Start Location: The race will start/finish at Berkshire East Ski Resort, at the West Lodge. There is a parking lot near the lodge, and overflow parking as directed at the resort.
7) The Price: We are trying to keep the price as reasonable as possible. We feel that the festival at the finish, and fun you’ll have on the trails, is well worth the cost!
8) Weather warning: This race is held in early October, and this is New England. It can be muddy, it can be leafy, it can be snowing (yikes!), or it could be hot and humid. Prepare for anything!!!
9) Nourishment: We'll have all the basics needed on-course! For hydration, we will have water, energy drink, and soda. For food, there will be the standard cookies, candy, chips, pretzels, fruit, etc. At the finish line, y’all will enjoy some grub and (for those over 21) a local brew.
10) Medical: There will be medical support at the start/finish area for those who need it.
11) Guidelines: If you are stopping, you must let a race official know. Per USATF regulations, we discourage the use of headphones. Otherwise, have some fun out there!
12) AWDs: We welcome the participation of Athletes with Disabilities at this event! To learn how it all works, we will follow the general rules as set forth here.
13) Volunteers: We of course can't do this without the support of volunteers to help out runners along the way. If you are interested in volunteering, more info and sign-up is here! Thank you!!!