Mt. Tom Trail Race

Exploring the beauty of Mt. Tom during peak foliage, this race covers challenging terrain with breath taking views. Whether you run the solo 25k, 2-person 25k relay, or the solo 10k we’ll be waiting for you at the finish!

2025 Race Date: October 18th.

(Info below is based on the 2024 event and may be modified slightly for the 2025 event. Registration will open by February 1st, and further info will be updated by then. For now - this gives a general feel of the event!)

Course Routes/Maps
Course maps and .gpx files can be found in this shared folder.
*If you are nervous about finishing the course on-time, we will have an early start at 8:30am for those who request it.  Understand that volunteers won't be in place for this early start, so you will need to be careful and know the route for the first few miles. Keep in mind that the 25k has a generous 6-hour cut-off.

The Basics:

Your participation in this event supports Kestrel Land Trust, whose mission is to conserve, care for, and connect you to the forests, farms, and trails of the Connecticut River Valley of Massachusetts. Kestrel has helped conserve more than 29,000 acres for recreation, wildlife, food security, and a healthy planet. This race supports Kestrel’s efforts to enhance public access to Mt. Tom, including creating the Mt. Tom North Trailhead Park (Underwood Aid Station!) with the City of Easthampton, restoring Anniversary Hill Park with the City of Holyoke and an innovative effort to conserve 40 acres of open space in Eastampton while also establishing a new affordable housing community.

New this year - the race starts and finishes at Bray Lake within the DCR Mt. Tom State Park.

Date: October 18, 2025
Time: 9:30am start both solo and relay 25k runners, 10:30am start for 10k runners, and 11:00am start for the 5k fun run/hike
Check in: one hour before your event at Bray Lake
Location: parking for all events at Bray Lake within the DCR Mt. Tom State Park
Cost** (2024 price): $50 for the 25k, $85 for the 2-person relay, $40 for 10k, and $20 for 5k fun run/hike (*Costs increase on Sept. 1st)
**Funds are available, upon request, to any runner who needs support to participate. No questions will be asked, no justification needed, if funds are available then partial or full entry fee support will be given.

Sound like fun?  Sign up here. (Reg link added by Feb. 1st)
There will be day-of registration available, however prices will jump so pre-reg preferred.

Wanna help?  Sign up here. (Volunteer sign-up added soon)
We love our volunteers, and can't do this without you! 

A bit of the details on this race are below:
1)  Elevation Gain/Loss:  The course is hilly - it's at Mt. Tom after all!  The 25k course has 3,600 feet of climbing in the solo race, and relay runners will split the climbing between the two. 
2)  The Course:  The course is entirely within Mt. Tom State Park, therefore it's on rugged single track hiking trails.  Maps and .gpx files can be found in this shared folder.
3) Aid Stations:  There will be aid stations (at minimum) every 5 miles along the way. Again, we’ll upload the specifics as the race approaches.
4) Crew Access/Relay Exchange:  Your crew can cheer you on (and support you) at the relay exchange location at the upper pavilion area (Lookout Aid Station) within Mt. Tom.
**Relay runners are responsible to get themselves/their cars to the Upper Pavilion area and back.  There is no race shuttle.**
4a) Relay Info: Relay exchange zone is roughly 8.3 miles into the race, so the relay legs are split 8.3 miles (leg 1)/6.7 miles (leg 2). Leg 1 has more climbing, but there’s still plenty for Leg 2 runners to climb.
*Interested in the relay but don't have a buddy?  Let us know (complete this form) and we'll do our best to find you a partner!*
4b) Relay Baton: Each relay team should bring a safety vest (such as the vest you would wear when road running at night) or a distinct costume, which will be the team's baton.  Runner #1 will wear it for their leg of the race, and hand it off to Runner #2 at the exchange point.  Costumes are encouraged, and prizes may be involved.
5)  Start Location:  The race will start/finish at Bray Lake, within the DCR Mt. Tom State Park. Parking is limited, therefore CARPOOLING is encouraged!
6)  The Price:  We are trying to keep the price as reasonable as possible, and due to the change in start/finish area we’re able to reduce the price from past editions. We hope this makes the race more accessible and desirable for folks to participate in. As mentioned before, all proceeds go towards the Kestrel Land Trust, so any excess funds will help promote the preservation and maintenance of land and trails (including some of what this course runs over!).
7)  Weather warning:  This race is held during the late fall, and this is New England.  Further, Mt. Tom has an amazing ability for the rocks to be slick even on humid days (did you know that rocks sweat?!?).  It can be muddy, it can be icy, it could be slick conditions, or it could be hot and humid.  Prepare for anything!!!
8)  Nourishment:  We'll have all the basics needed for a race!  For hydration, we will have water, energy drink, and soda.  If colder temps are predicted, there may be hot soup.  For food, there will be the standard candy, chips, pretzels, fruit, etc.  
9)  Medical:  There will be amazing Holyoke EMT crews at Bray Lake (start/finish), and aid station volunteers have communications with Bray Lake.  So, reach out to any volunteer if you or a runner needs help.
10)  Guidelines:  If you are stopping, you must let a race official know.  Per USATF regulations, we discourage the use of headphones.  The use of poles is a-ok with us. Otherwise, have some fun out there!
11) AWDs: We think that Athletes with Disabilities are awesome and welcome them to participate at this event!  To learn how it all works, we will follow the general rules as set forth here.
12) Volunteers: We of course can't do this without the support of volunteers to help out runners along the way. If you are interested in volunteering, you can get more info and sign up here.
13) Prizes: Swag will be given to the top 3 in each of the male, female and non-binary categories for the solo events, and top relay teams (male-only, female-only, and mixed-gender).  We'll also have some prizes for age group winners (40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70-79) in the solo race, and age group winners (100+, added age of 2 runners) in the relay race.  
13a) More Prizes: We will also be giving away some awesome prizes for random stuff, including Queen and King of the Mountain (fastest female and male solo runners up a designated climb, as documented by their Strava segment time), best relay costume/baton, middle of the pack, and whatever else strikes our fancy!
14) Cut-offs: Look, we want everyone to finish and think that everyone should be able to finish within the cut-offs.  There will be intermediary cut-offs along the course, so that all 25k runners must finish within 6 hours.  *Early starts are accommodated upon request.